Phase 1 Development
The completion of Phase 1 will enable us to move our current school to our new site and increase the capacity to 60-100 for more students who are eager to join Bahr Academy. The new site will broaden the educational horizon of our students' practical, physical and spiritual development.
We just need to raise £450,000 to complete the refurbishment of Phase 1.
Join The Founding Members' List
Bahr Academy is divided into 792 portions of land. Write yourselves amongst the founding members by donating a portion of land for £500 for an lucrative eternal Sadaqah Jaariyah.
- 10 rooms with 5 passages
- 3 fire exits
- Wudhu & toilet facilities
- Electrical works
- Plumbing
- CCTV and sound systems
- Educational material for classrooms
- Flooring & carpets
- Remove, replace and strengthen joists
- Repair drainage
- New stairs in main entrance
- Painting & decorating
- Install street lamps
- Create footpath from main road to school
- Create pathway for refuge collection
- Repair existing car parks
- Create pathways for access to/from car parks
- Repair and refurbish outside courtyard for recreational use
Total cost is estimated to be £450,000
“Give (in charity) and do not give reluctantly lest Allah should give you in a limited amount; and do not withhold your money lest Allah should withhold it from you.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Donate via Bank Transfer:
Bahr Academy
Account number: 04131156
Sort code: 30-93-71
Lloyds Bank
Donate via GiveBrite (Please use only if you will gift aid it):